Safeguarding Procedures and Training

Safeguarding Procedures and Training

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Anthony Curton CofE

Safeguarding Procedures and Training

  • Staff sign at the start of each school year to confirm that they have read key safeguarding documents including the staff Code of Conduct.

  • The school provides safeguarding training for staff every September using information from ‘The Key for governors’ and updates from Norfolk County Council. The Head Teacher is also signed up for weekly emails from the NSPCC and writes a weekly email to staff which always includes reference to safeguarding.

  • In addition to the September training, staff are allocated specific training via Smart Log by the central team at DEMAT.

  • Induction paperwork is now signed for when induction is completed.

  • The school does not use any third party supply staff but does have sports coaches in from Premier Sport who have their own training and provide letters of assurance for their staff. In terms of volunteers, the school has a ‘Friends’ group who support the school with various activities and the Head ensures that they have had some basic safeguarding training, including discussions around boundaries with pupils when they are on site.

  • Attendance registers are completed by 9.00am, and if pupils are not in school, phone calls or emails are sent to parents. If the school has concerns about a pupil not attending on a particular day, they will undertake a home visit. Attendance is reviewed on a weekly basis, and the school follows Norfolk procedures regarding fixed penalty notices, and any paperwork required for children, who may be missing from education.

Recording and reporting procedures – CPOMs records

  • There is a trained DSL within school and 3 further deputy DSLs (DDSL) across the two schools working in partnership. Procedures are in place to ensure that staff can always access a member of the DSL team when needed. Training is provided via Norfolk County Council on a 2 year cycle.

  • CPOMS is used to record safeguarding concerns and Bromcom is used to record behaviour concerns. The school also uses the system to record first aid incidents and responses. When a member of staff records a log of concern on CPOMS this generates an email to each of the DSL’s. This is picked up by one of the DSL's who undertakes any necessary action as required.

Health and Safety

  • The school receives support from DEMAT for health and safety and has a wide range of risk assessments in place which are mostly held on Smart Log. This includes risk assessments for curriculum areas such as PE and specific school activities such as the ‘Paint Run’.

  • Risk assessments are developed for off site visits, and the school has a trained Educational Visits Co-Ordinator.

  • Evacuation and Invacuation drills are undertaken with pupils, and records are held on Smart Log. First aid is recorded on Smart Log. More serious issues are recorded on Smart Log. Records are collated by the Deputy Head Teacher in a report for governors, so that trends and issues can be kept under review.

  • Any incidents of restrictive physical intervention used with pupils would be recorded on CPOMS, and all staff have been given basic training and clear guidelines. 
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