Years 3 and 4 had a great time during their Intra-Hockey matches. Years 5 and 6 played against each other in the afternoon.
The results were:
Years 3&4
St Patrick - 15 points
St George & St Andrew - 14 points each
St David - 4 points
Years 5&6
St Andrew & St Patrick 14 points each
St George & St David 6 points each
Years 1 and 2 enjoyed an Intra-Hockey Competition, where the different house groups competed against each other. For many, this was their first experience of Hockey and they were all amazing. They can't wait to do it all again!
The results were as follows:
St George - 13 points
St Patrick - 10 points
St Andrew - 5 points
St David - 2 points
Children from Ks2 had a fabulous time at Cluster Cross Country. All of the children had a great time and were really pleased to share their news on return to school. Anthony Curton are thrilled to have achieved the 2nd team place. We also had 8 children qualify for SSP Cross Country Finals at Lynnsport. Well done all!
Finally, we managed to dodge the bad weather and KS2 took part in their Sports Day!
We are very proud to have been awarded Norfolk PE KS1 Sporting Stars Gold Award 23/24 and Norfolk PE KS2 Sporting Stars Silver Award 23/24, as well as the School Games Bronze Sports Mark Award for 23/24. Miss Wiles put in a lot of hard work to make this happen.
The School Games Sports Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise schools engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active.
Tennis Tournament
Mrs Allen took some Year 3 and 4 children to a recent tennis event. She praised their excellent sportsmanship, effort and skills. We are very proud of Molly, Teddy, Lily and Isaac!
Well done to Casey, Oliver, Ruby-Skye, Freddie and Aiden for their fantastic morning at Netball last Thursday. They behaved perfectly and were a pleasure to have at the event. They all really enjoyed the morning and learnt a lot about Netball. They played several games, each one better than the last, they were able to get lots of shots at goal and scored a few too!
Several children from Years 4 and 6 went to Wisbech Grammar School.
Sports Coach, Mrs Allen was very proud of them and said their behaviour was impeccable, they were very polite and they gave their absolute all. We are also very proud of Ania Collison, Ava Human, Sophia-Rose Merrison, Isla Duncan, Mia Neal Ruby-Skye Farnham and Maisie Woods.
We took part in the Cluster Cross Country Tournament at Wisbech Grammar School.
Year 4 Boys
Oliver Hill 2nd
Jason O'Donnell 3rd
Year 5 Boys
Stanley Pyatt 1st
Raedyn English 3rd
Jackson Sennett 4th
Kaiden Morris 6th
Year 5 Girls
Florence Mattless 3rd
Year 6 Girls
Faith Campion 3rd
Ava Human 5th
Olivia Williams 6th
Anthony Curton CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 780121
If you have any queries, questions or would like more information about our school please feel free to contact the school office where either Mrs Hannay or Mrs McKeon will be happy to help you.
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The Chase
PE14 7NG
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