Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Anthony Curton
At Anthony Curton and Tilney All Saints we foster a love for reading and writing through providing the children with the skills and knowledge they need in developing spoken language, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary which enable the foundations for future success.
Through teaching reading, we aim to promote an enjoyment of reading through inspiring children to read a comprehensive range of reading materials. Staff engage with children to develop their reading through numerous opportunities using: phonics, 1:1 reading, whole class reading, cross-curricular reading opportunities and shared/modelled reading. Phonics is taught daily using the Sounds-Write linguistics approach from EYFS all the way through to Year 6. Children’s development of phonic knowledge is embedded and reinforced through the use of books which match the current unit being taught. The teaching of phonics is modelled and applied in all other curriculum subjects, through the use of fiction and non-fiction texts. Whole class reading is taught within year groups in order to develop vocabulary knowledge and comprehension skills. Reading is assessed termly through the use of DIBELS assessments, which enables staff to support reading fluency and development.
Our reading curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils have access to the following:
• fidelity to one linguistic phonics programme– Sounds-Write
• daily discrete phonic sessions
• teaching is structured, fast paced and with opportunities for reinforcement
• monitoring and tracking learning to identify any children who may require further support
• ensuring lots of opportunities for using and applying across the curriculum
• continuing to involve parents and carers
• further rigorous monitoring of impact- DIBELS, Sounds-Write diagnostic tests
The teaching of vocabulary is a vital component of our English curriculum for language development and the development of writing. Through the use of texts (fiction and non-fiction) we allow the children to experience a wide range of vocabulary and offer explicit teaching of this and how they can then apply and embed this within their own writing. We aim to inspire enthusiastic writers through teaching and providing regular writing opportunities, not solely in English lessons but also across the whole curriculum. The development of writing skills is taught through ensuring the children have a purpose for writing, for example children have the opportunity to learn how to entertain, inform, discuss and persuade through writing. To further develop children’s writing, speaking and listening opportunities are provided. Grammar and punctuation is taught explicitly within English lessons and is in line with the National Curriculum expectations.
· EYFS assess writing regularly through the statutory framework.
· Writing from Year 1 to 6 is assessed termly through tasks set by the academy trust.
· Key Stage 1 and 2 will have a yearly assessment which is assessed nationally through No More Marking.
Anthony Curton CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 780121
Email: office@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
If you have any queries, questions or would like more information about our school please feel free to contact the school office where either Mrs Hannay or Mrs McKeon will be happy to help you.
School Address:
The Chase
PE14 7NG
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