Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Anthony Curton
If you have any queries, please contact Miss Wiles - lwiles@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
Year 3 went on a trip with Year 4, to the museum at King's Lynn recently. They participated in object handling, learning about Anglo-Saxon foods, games and Viking warriors.
We went to visit to S & R Brown Farms, where we learned about sugar beet growth and then got to taste it! We walked through the village learning about the drainage of the fields and the history of why drainage around The Fens is so important. Finally, we ended up in a wood where we found out about different tree varieties.
We held a Local Community week and decided to find out about some of the issues in our village. The children then made posters and have put them up around the village to try and encourage people to help.
Mr Wilkinson brought his sheep in to see us. Each class went out during the day to learn about how they are looked after. The best part was getting to feed the lambs with a bottle of milk!
Year 3 had a great time with Mr Collison from Collison Cut Flowers, learning all about the different parts of a flower.
World Book Day
Class 3 went back to King's Lynn Museum. This time they were Anglo-Saxons for the day!
Class 3 visited the King's Lynn Museum as part of their topic on the Ancient Egyptians
Year 3 had a lovely morning Rock Painting, trying their hands at Wattle and Daub, and making pottery, to consolidate their knowledge of the Stone Age topic this half-term in History.
Anthony Curton CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 780121
Email: office@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
If you have any queries, questions or would like more information about our school please feel free to contact the school office where either Mrs Hannay or Mrs McKeon will be happy to help you.
School Address:
The Chase
PE14 7NG
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