Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Anthony Curton
If you have any queries, please contact Mr Wilkinson - jwilkinson@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
or Mrs Pharro epharro@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
Spellings, week beginning 17 March
Group 1 /n/ sound
1) never
2) banner
3) gone
4) gnome
5) knife
6) winning
7) knocked
8) gnaw
9) done
10) reign
The group 2 spellings will be chosen at random and put in to a sentence which will be dictated.
Group 2 Homophones and near homophones
Group 3 Homophones and near homophones
16) morning
17) mourning
18) past
19) passed
20) paced
21) paste
22) principle
23) principal
25) soul
Year 6 enjoyed their leavers party earlier this week. They didn't know that that the teachers had planned to cover them in paint as they completed an obstacle course, but they absolutely loved it! They truly are a fine class of children, who we have grown so fond of, and we will miss them all.
Finley, Jonathan, Faith and Ania went to Lynnsport to take part in a tennis event. They did themselves proud!
Spellings, week beginning 8 July
Group 1 /r/ sound
1) bright
2) carrot
3) rhino
4) write
5) reach
6) lorry
7) rhyme
8) wrong
9) wreck
10) narrow
The group 2 spellings will be chosen at random and put in to a sentence which will be dictated.
Group 2 Derivational affix - ly (in what manner)
Group 3 Derivational affix - al (relating to)
16) original
17) optional
18) classical
19) survival
20) bacterial
21) procedural
22) financial
23) universal
24) referral
25) influential
After working so hard during SATs week, Class 6 let their hair down and enjoyed an afternoon with with Reception Class at Forest School!
Class 6 from both schools went to King's Lynn Fire Station as part of the Crucial Crew event. They learnt about all kinds of safety, from fire hazards to keeping sage on the Internet, and when out at the seaside.
Mr Wilkinson brought his sheep in to see us. Each class went out during the day to learn about how they are looked after. The best part was getting to feed the lambs with a bottle of milk!
We had a fantastic day at Bletchley Park, where we learnt all about the decoding of messages during World War II
World Book Day
In our Science lessons, we have been predicting whether adding more bulbs to a circuit, and only using 1 battery pack, makes the lights brighter or dimmer!
Year 6 had a brilliant 3 days swinging through the trees and much, much more, at Hilltop!
Every Year 6 in the Ely Diocese Academy, went to the beautiful location of Ely Cathedral for a Carol Service.
Anthony Curton CofE Primary School
Tel: 01945 780121
Email: office@anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk
If you have any queries, questions or would like more information about our school please feel free to contact the school office where either Mrs Hannay or Mrs McKeon will be happy to help you.
School Address:
The Chase
PE14 7NG
DEMAT Office Address:
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